Latest news
Hello everyone. Sorry we haven't been updating much lately. Here's a quick rundown: We're settling back to Bellingham. I started work back at Alpha Technologies last week. We're in the process of buying a house, and getting somewhat used to the cold and rain. It's been really windy in Western Washington lately, and especially last night. This morning we got a call from my parent - they had a very large fir tree fall on their house, and another on their garage. They're both OK, but the house is going to need some serious repair. There are lots of trees down all around Washington, so it may be awhile before they can get some help (i.e. a crane) to remove the trees.
There's a new page on our website detailing Imagine and her equipment. If you're looking for a ready-to-go cruising boat only 10 days from Tonga or Fiji, have a look and drop us a line.