down the river
On the rising tide today, we'll head back out the river and start making our way to Auckland. It poured rain all last night, but today is sunny and warm so we're hoping for a nice trip down. We'll spend one or two nights along the way, and hopefully enjoy our last bit of cruising.
We sold the van and are now just left with the task of packing up our stuff to ship home. It will be harder without a car, but it's also a relief to have that taken care of. Some other cruisers have already shipped a crate of their personal things, and have figured out the best deal, so that helps us out. We have been appalled at the prices for international movers.
We enjoyed a nice birthday party with friends yesterday and had to say goodbye to most everyone we've been with all season. We'll see Dolphins and Wyndeavor again, but that's about it. With mixed feelings we find ourselves at the end of another phase of the trip, but I'm not nearly as emotional as when we left our good friends in Mexico. The excitement of coming home and seeing you all is so fun to think about, I can't wait.
We've had a busy week varnishing, cleaning out food we won't eat and learning times tables. My Christmas shopping is almost done, which is a relief, so all the details will hopefully fall into place this week.
See you all soon, K
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