Wednesday, June 22, 2005


We arrived at Point Venus on the north end of Tahiti early this afternoon. We had to motor the last 10 hours as the wind had completely died. Funny that we'd have our fastest 24 hrs followed by no wind at all.

It's very picturesque here. We're the only boat anchored off a black sand beach, protected from the swell by a fringing reef. The point appears to be a public recreation area - lots of families and teenagers swimming and sunbathing. I think about 50% are French tourists, unfortunately including several middle aged men sporting all-too-revealing thong bathing suits... there's an image I could have done without.

We walked down the street about a mile to a corner grocery store that had - gasp! - EVERYTHING we'd ever want! I'll let Kellie fill you in on the first shopping opportunity in several months (coming soon).

We're a bit apprehensive to venture into the "Big City" after so many months of near isolation, and are enjoying one last peaceful anchorage here before we head into Papetee harbor to check in with customs, immigration and the port captain tomorrow. While there we'll also buy fuel, load up another few months worth of groceries, check out a few interesting things to see, then try to get away again before our pocketbooks are drained.



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