Saturday, October 02, 2004

We're on the move again!

We finally pulled our anchor out of the muck in Richardson Bay Thursday. We sailed back under the Golden Gate, and south to Half Moon Bay, about 20 miles south of San Francisco... of course the wind was right on the nose (as usual!), and we sailed more that 40 miles over ground. Both kids were seasick and filled their little beach buckets a couple of time, but it didn't seem to dampen their spirits too much. It's odd, forcast was for NW winds, all the reports from stations around us had NW winds, and our little bit-o-the-sea was blowing ESE at 15-25kn. Ah well, we're getting really good at pinching (sailing as upwind as possible). There's a great beachcoaming beach here in Half Moon - lots of snail shells and nice sand. We're headed towards town today to visit some pumpkin farms, then spend some more time at the beach. -P


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