Idyllic day
trip to Isla Coronado on Imagine and Komara.
Back Row: Brian (Icarian), Kellie, Pete, Kelly & Mike (Wyndeavor),
Julie & Larry (Komara), Marilyn (Icarian), Aly (Loon)
Front Row: Carter, Bennett (Wyndeavor), Ellie, Taryn (Wyndeavor), Iain

We had the beach all to ourselves and enjoyed the snorkeling, shell
collecting and hermit crab herding.
Enroute to Tenacatita Now that the weather is warm, the boat seems bigger since we can
utilize the deck more. Pete, Ellie & Carter read stories while the
autopilot steers. Sailing can be boring, but from time to time we get visitors who add to the
Tenacatita, about 150 miles south of Puerto Vallarta, turned out to be one of
our favorite places. We arrived to find 35+ boats, lots of kids, a long
deserted beach, a river and lots of organized activities. We stayed 18
days, which is our longest time in one place. You can see why.
River Trip: The mangroves
covered the river, making a tunnel through the jungle. We did the hour
long trip in the dinghy several times.
Birds, butterflies and tree crabs populate the branches.
Above left: Aly, Marilyn, Kellie, Natalie & Ellie Above right: parking
Several of our friends celebrated birthdays in February. On the evening
of the full moon, there was a potluck for everyone in the anchorage. We helped Olivia on Sunflower turn six and Marilyn on Icarian turn, well, more
than six.

Coconuts, the fruit of the tropics. Carter drinks the milk. Iain
attempts to break one open with a shovel.
Pete shows him how it's really done with a machete (look carefully for the

Fun in the sun the water and the waves.
Barra de Navidad Lagoon.
The local fisherman throw their nets out around the boats. Clouds obscure
the sun, but they are welcome after the heat of the day.

Loon and Imagine
rafted. Aly and kids swing in the hammock on
Loon. Iain and
Carter sample the local hats and drinks.
Shopping in Barra de Navidad. Pete's mom, Lou and her friend Irene joined us in Barra for a week. We
scoured the town for souvenirs. This lady painted the plates in her shop and autographed the backs for us.
We bought necklaces, bobbly head turtles and salsa bowls.

Potluck on Icarian. Twenty two for dinner, bring your own plate! We took a few days off from Barra to
go back and enjoy the beaches
of Tenacatita again.

And now it's time to say goodbye to many.
We'll see you on the other side
of the ocean!

Brian doing his best "fireboat salute" impression for our
Ixtapa is our "jumping off point" to the S. Pacific.
Kellie's parents and my cousins are both visiting us here, and my cousin Peter
(that'll be confusing!) is going to crew with us to Tahiti. Kellie's folks
put us up in Ixtapa marina, so we're making use of being at a dock for the last
time in quite awhile.

One of several provisioning trips. The kids made dinner

Hanging out by the pool with Gramma and Grampa D.