Saturday, April 09, 2005

nothing new

We had our fastest day yet today, 170 miles. Yesterday was 159. We're keeping track of our miles from noon to noon. We've got our watches set on Central time still although we have technically crossed into Pacific time. Everyone we are keeping in contact with in MX are still later than us, so why bother changing our watches yet.

The weather is a combination of clouds and sun. The temp has been in the mid 80's the last 2 days, so it is a relief to be cooler. We've been joking about the wind chill factor putting the temp down in the 70's at night and how we're all going to freeze after acclimating to 95.

I am doing a bit of cleaning up today, those bathrooms still need cleaning and the floor still needs sweeping. Peter V. is celebrating his birthday today, so I'll also be making some dessert. He's not much up to eating, but he says chocolate is always good.

The kids painted sun catchers yesterday and played with stickers. We did have a nice dolphin show in the afternoon. That's the other thing we're joking about. Two days in a row we've had them come so we're not "scheduling" anything for the afternoon so we don't miss them. Peter V says this is more like a bus trip than sailing. Compared to his Hobie Cat at home, this isn't very thrilling. I'm not sure Pete feels the same, as he is always tuned into the boat and strategizing to get us there as fast as possible. We have hardly even tweaked the sails though in the last 2 days and the wind vane steers 24/7. Like Maggie on Aurora B said, passages are just living on a boat when it's moving. The only difference from anchor is we can't get off and we're always rolling back and forth. That's a big difference if you ask me.

Anyways, just I'm just rambling since there is not much else to do. We have friends who crossed the equator yesterday not too far west of where we are now. We might continue on in the NE trades for a bit longer before we make the right turn south. We're all pretty happy with the 7 knot average right now. We are on a course of about 240, so we are making south progress too.

All for now, if something exciting happens, I'll let you all know.



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